Tag Archives: Fortuna


Democrat women leaders publicly legitimizing riots and unrest.

A famous travel writer once wrote that “if you live long enough in Canada, you eventually die of boredom.”    No such fate can befall anybody who lives south of the border.

In 400 years since Jamestown, the US has had three civil wars and may be on the verge of a fourth.   (The Revolutionary War, the War between the States and the Indian Wars were all civil wars.)   Meanwhile, Canada, with basically the same ethnic mix, avoided all three.   A Canadian friend of mine called a few days ago and told me that many Canadians think we’re about to have another civil war!   Many Americans say the same. This is serious. Mark 3:25 says: that “a house divided against itself cannot stand.”

We have to ask ourselves why.


“An impeachment trial of Donald Trump isn’t about removing him from the presidency – his term ends Wednesday, either way.

“It’s about preventing him from seeking the presidency again in 2024.

“Several senators, including Republicans, have noted that if they vote to convict Trump of inciting the Jan 6th attack on Congress, they could then vote to bar him from future public office, effectively nixing another presidential campaign.”  (Lansing State Journal, 1/17/2021).




Iran… rejoined the global financial system with full legitimacy — plus billions of dollars flowing into the treasury of the IRGC and its expanding militias across the Middle East. You would think, then, that the regime would be delighted to return to the same nuclear deal, right? Wrong. The mullahs want an even sweeter deal.

Biden already showed his cards by stating that he wants the deal. The regime now knows that Biden seems desperate for a deal, and doubtless sees this as a delectable weakness.

The ruling mullahs also most likely assume that they can extort even more concessions from a Democrat administration, particularly Biden’s, because they successfully did so in the past….  (Gatestone, 1/19/2021)

While the Western news media has us fretting over Trump supporters, it is ignoring more alarming new stories. One story the mainstream Marxist media has ignored is the discovery of a mass grave in Iraq’s Salahaddin province. The grave reportedly contained hundreds of victims, including women and children. 

Virtually all the victims were “people of color.” None will killed by so-called “White supremacists.” All were massacred by Islamic supremacists.   (Daily Ken, 1/19/2021)

Iraqi Writer Commends President Biden’s Appointment Of Muslims To Key White House Positions  (MEMRI 1/21/2021)


“More Christians are murdered for their faith in Nigeria than in any other country.” — Open Doors, World Watch List.  (Gatestone, 1/17/2021)

The “extreme persecution” that Christians experience in 10 of the absolute 12 worst nations comes from “Islamic oppression” or is occurring in Muslim majority nations. These include:  Afghanistan (#2), Somalia (#3), Libya (#4), Pakistan (#5), Yemen (#7), Iran (#8), Nigeria (#9), Iraq (#11), and Syria (#12).  (Gatestone, 1/17/2021)

On January 13, 2021, the military commander of an Iran-backed Shi’ite militia shared a post on his Telegram channel announcing that “the advisors of the Islamic resistance” are ready to offer counsel and training to what he called “the liberation movements” within the United States.   (MEMRI, 1/17/2021)

Reversing the Muslim travel ban raises the question:  How come no Muslim country allows non-Muslim Americans to immigrate?  Maybe they are convinced the two philosophies can’t mix.   America is for freedom; Islam means submit.  They are clearly not compatible.  So why reverse the Muslim travel ban?


Biden to end American democracy through alien amnesty

Joe Biden plans to end American democracy through providing amnesty to illegal aliens living in the USA.  Biden’s scheme will likely add 11 million new voters, nearly all of whom will align themselves with the Democratic Party. In so doing, the de facto two-party system that is the bedrock of America’s democracy will be effectively eradicated. 

A massive invasion of non-white “migrants” will likely ensue, permeating most traditionally Republican regions, making the destruction of democracy and republicanism ubiquitous. Virtually every non-white people group disproportionately supports the Democratic Party.  (Daily Ken, 1/21/2021)


President-elect Joe Biden plans to immediately put forward legislation offering a pathway to citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants.

Four people who have been briefed on the plan say Biden plans to announce the legislation on his first day in office, according to the Associated Press.

“This really does represent a historic shift from Trump’s anti-immigrant agenda that recognizes that all of the undocumented immigrants that are currently in the United States should be placed on a path to citizenship,” Marielena Hincapie, executive director of the National Immigration Law Center, said about the plan, which she was briefed on.  (Washington Examiner, 1/18/2021)


Once again, a bust of Winston Churchill has been removed from the Oval Office as a new occupant moves in.   The bust was introduced by President Bush and removed by President Obama before being put back by President Trump.   Whatever they might have against Churchill, you’d think they would appreciate the fact that without his leadership in World War II, we would all be goose-stepping and speaking German!



Less than seven years after British Eurosceptics were laughed at for expressing concerns about a coming European Union army, the bloc has revealed the official uniform of its new ‘standing corps,’ as the first of 10,000 recruits prepare to deploy to the field.

Frontex, the European Union’s combined border force and coastguard, revealed the new uniform in a social media post on Monday, showing off the navy uniform complete with EU-flag identification patches and military side cap. The force said:  “For the first time, the European Union has its own uniformed service – the European Border and Coast Guard standing corps.”  (Breitbart, 1/12/2021)

Germany’s defence minister has confirmed that “a united EU military is becoming a reality,” after her ally and Chancellor Angela Merkel backed Emmanuel Macron’s call for a “real European army.”

“Europe’s army is already taking shape,” Ursula von der Leyen wrote in an opinion piece for Handelsblatt, on Thursday. (Breitbart, 1/12/2021)



The United States is imposing, for the first time, concrete sanctions on a company, because of its participation in the construction of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. In one of its last official acts, the Trump administration announced that it would impose sanctions on the Russian pipe-laying vessel Fortuna.  Whereas, Moscow has declared that it will nevertheless do everything it can to complete the pipeline that will bring Russian natural gas directly to Germany, more companies from several European countries – including the German company Bilfinger – are abandoning the Nord Stream 2 project due to threats of US sanctions. The pull-out is not without its risks, because the companies are thus demonstrating their vulnerability to blackmail from the United States – a disadvantage, for instance, on the highly attractive Chinese market. Since Russia is vigorously pursuing the expansion of the natural gas pipelines to China, the EU risks losing its privileged purchasing position. German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas recently warned that there is “no need to talk of European sovereignty” if that means “bending to Washington’s will.”   (German Foreign Policy, 1/20/2021)



Neo-Nazis And White Supremacists On Social Media In Lead-Up To Inauguration Day: Calls For War, Revolution, Threats To Politicians, Bombmaking Manuals; ‘Bullets Gonna Fly’; ‘The Black Flag Will Fly Above The Dome,’ ‘CIVIL WAR WILL START.’ (MEMRI 1/15/2021)

Founder And Former Leader Of U.S. White Supremacist Organization, Now Living In Russia, In Russian TV Interview:  I Established My Organization To Create A Network Of Support During A Civil Unrest Crisis; Hitler Was The Result Of Past Circumstances And Has Nothing To Do With Us; I Feel Like A Political Dissident; We Use Social Media To Recruit (MEMRI 1/8/2021)



  • Amazon workers have seen their pay increase by $.099-an-hour during the pandemic, while Bezos’s hourly pay increased by $11.7m.  (The Guardian, 1/15/2021)
  • Armed insurrection:  Congress votes to overturn the next election (Washington Times headline, 1/15/2021)
  • “There is no randomized evidence to show that mask mandates would work to slow the spread of the disease.   In fact, for influenza, the randomized studies that have been done suggest that they don’t work to slow the spread of the disease.”   (Epoch Times, 12/16/2021).
  • Every evening, Governor Andrew Cuomo sends out an e-mail blast blaming the vaccine chaos in New York on inadequate supply from the federal government. It is a lie. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show New York is delivering only 37% of its vaccine supply they already have into people’s arms.  (Gatestone, 1/18/2021)
  • Vaccines could see Covid spike Government scientists have warned that people could become less aware of sticking to Covid-19 rules as more of the population is vaccinated, leading to spike in cases that outweighs the gains being made by the jab rollout. Minutes from a Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE) meeting say “there is a risk that changes in behaviour could offset the benefits of vaccination, particularly in the early months of vaccine rollout.”  (The Week, 1/19/2021)
  • Biden to keep UK travel ban — Joe Biden’s spokesperson has said the US will maintain travel bans on the UK, much of the EU and Brazil despite an order from outgoing President Donald Trump to lift them.  Although the White House said yesterday that the ban on entry would end on 26 January, six days after Biden takes office, Jen Psaki said on Twitter that “with the pandemic worsening… this is not the time to be lifting restrictions on international travel.”  (The Week, 1/19/2021)
  • Johnson ‘glad Trump is going’ The former head of the civil service says Boris Johnson will be glad Donald Trump has not been re-elected for a second term as US president.  Lord Sedwill said those who believed Johnson would have preferred Trump to win again were “mistaken.”  In 2015, while serving as mayor of London, Johnson accused Trump of “stupefying ignorance” over his comments about violence in the city. However, the pair became unlikely allies during Trump’s term in the White House.  (The Week, 1/19/2021)

  • COVID IN UK:  One in four young people say they are unable to cope with life, according to polling conducted for The Prince’s Trust.  Half of 16- to 25-year-olds said their mental health has got worse during the pandemic.    (The Spectator, 1/1/2021)
  • Biden reverses Trump policies — Joe Biden has kicked off his presidency by signing a raft of executive orders, undoing many of Donald Trump’s key policies. Biden signed 15 orders, firstly to boost the federal response to the coronavirus crisis. Other orders halted the travel ban from Muslim-majority countries, ended funding for a wall on the US-Mexico border and saw the US rejoin the Paris climate agreement. Taking his place behind the Resolute desk, Biden said: “There’s no time to start like today.” (The Week, 1/21/2021)
  • UK Shop staff face anger over masks Supermarket workers are facing “abuse, threats and violence” from customers angry over a new crackdown on face coverings and social distancing rules, the boss of Co-op Food has said. Following a 140% surge in criminal activity at the Co-op over the past year, Jo Whitfield said: “Shop workers… have been spat at and threatened just because they’ve asked customers to respect social distancing.”  (The Week, 1/21/2021)
  • China sanctions Trump team China has announced sanctions on dozens of people close to Trump, including outgoing Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. In a move taken minutes after President Biden was sworn into office on the steps of the Capitol, Beijing ushered in the measures to prevent the individuals and their families from entering mainland China, Hong Kong and Macau, or doing any business with China. It comes just a day after the US State Department accused China of committing genocide against its minority Uighur population.   (The Week, 1/21/2021)
  • “On inauguration night, Antifa mobs attacked the Democratic Party headquarters in Portland and torched American flags in Seattle, the same kind of left-wing mobs that gave us a long hot summer of rioting, looting and arson… Has Biden ever condemned by name these mobs the way he did the mob that invaded the Capitol on Jan. 6?”  (Pat Buchanan, 1/22/2021)