Tag Archives: Taiz


El Paso shooting victims

Two more mass shootings in the United States left 31 people dead and even more injured.   One took place in El Paso, Texas and the other in Dayton, Ohio.

Quickly, all mainstream media outlets blamed a “white supremacist” for the Texas shooting, even though the Washington Times initially said his website showed he was a leftist.   Violence is no stranger to “right” or “left.”

Further reports confused the perpetrator as a “white nationalist” and a “white supremacist.”   From my reading of his writing, I saw no evidence of “white supremacy.”   It’s time Americans understood the difference.  A “white supremacist” believes that white people are inherently superior to other races.  The idea goes back to the theory of evolution, which emphasized the “survival of the fittest.”  Out of it came fascist ideology, which claimed that the Aryans were superior to all other races.

White (or any other color) nationalists, on the other hand, simply want to keep their nation in line with the vision of the founding fathers.  They want to retain American culture and traditions and are proud of their country and its history and freedoms.  I do not see this going away.

As America hurtles toward a majority non-white nation (in 2034) there will be more nationalists trying to preserve the society they love.

Many countries around the world with significant “minorities” struggle from ethnic tensions.  Is the US likely  to be spared?  Matthew 24:7 predicts worldwide ethnic conflict :  “For nation shall rise against nation.”  The word “nation” is from the Greek word ethnos, which is a reference  to ethnic groups.


Carli Pierson of The Independent wrote on 8/6 that There’ll be more mass shootings if Trump stays in power.”

No, there will be more mass shootings if America is pushed any more down the multicultural path.   “Diversity is strength” is the slogan we keep on hearing.   If that’s true, why do they keep reminding us of it? It should be clear to everybody by now.    President Trump is the first president to seriously question immigration policies.

There were mass shootings before Trump and there will be mass shootings after he is gone.

What the young killer did was reprehensible (I’m talking here specifically of the incident in El Paso).

But a look at his background may help us to understand.   He had been unemployed for five months.   Many poor whites are competing for low income jobs against Hispanics and other immigrants.   They naturally resent this.  The best thing we can do to help them is change the immigration laws, which is what Trump has been saying.   Young people are particularly alienated.  In neighboring Canada, a country with stricter gun laws, a couple of young guys went on a killing spree a few days before the shootings in El Paso.  Their bodies were found earlier today.

Comments were made about this being the start of an ethnic conflict.   I asked an Hispanic friend what he thought.  He came right back with “it’s been going on for a long time.”   He already sees Hispanics and whites in a confrontation.

Another Hispanic blamed white males for everything.

On the Monday after the shootings, a local news item proudly announced that an immigrant family from Africa had been given a house by “Habitat for Humanity.”   The family has six children and needed beds.   The business community gave them beds.   There was a great deal of resentment being expressed by people watching this, saying that there’s plenty of Americans need that kind of help – what are we doing helping refugees?

Attitudes appear to be changing.   It may be that the multiculturalists will win, but those who wish to preserve America as is, could also win.   All attempts to thwart them, by denying them any media coverage, have not succeeded.   There will always be some who will resort to violence.   If nothing else, it gains them attention.



“For thus says the Lord:  ‘David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel.”

A civil servant in the Northern Ireland Office objected to having to pass a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II every day, for which he has been awarded 10,000 pounds ($12,500) compensation.   Portraits in six government buildings have been removed.

Would the Irish Republic award the same amount to anybody protesting about Leo Varadkar’s or Michael D Higgins’ portrait?   They are the prime minister and president, respectively, of the Irish Republic.



Prince Harry has declared that he and his wife are to limit the size of their family to two children.

” . . . being as intelligent as we all are, or as evolved as we all are supposed to be, we should be able to leave something better behind for the next generation,” said the Prince.

This is a trend in western countries, limiting the size of one’s family because there are too many people in the world.   The problem is that not enough “intelligence” is being used.   People of different cultures are still giving birth to six or eight children or more per couple, moving to the West where they will be supported by welfare, from people like Prince Harry.



A DJ in England claims that the monarchy costs British taxpayers 350 million pounds per year.   The figure is actually 67 million pounds ($85.2 million).

Perhaps he’s getting it confused with the British subsidy to the EU. That’s an estimated 350 million pounds PER WEEK.

The DJ is apparently an EU fanatic.   I can see where he might get confused!



  • Germany’s outright rejection of Washington’s request [to support Washington’s proposal for a maritime protection force in the Arabian Gulf to protect shipping from attacks by Iran is likely to inflame tensions further between Washington and Berlin.   U.S. President Donald J. Trump is already at odds with German Chancellor Angela Merkel on a range of issues, from Germany’s obstinate refusal to meet its Nato funding commitments to its pursuit of closer energy ties with Russia through the construction of the controversial Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline.
  • Trump is highly critical of the project.   He argues that it will make Europe, and especially Germany, too dependent on Moscow for its energy needs, which could undermine the resolve of the Nato alliance to take a robust stand against Moscow in any future confrontation.
  • So, at a time when the Western alliance is already struggling with how to respond to Turkey’s deepening military ties with Russia, Germany’s refusal to fulfill its obligations to protect shipping in the Gulf will be interpreted by adversaries of the West such as Moscow and Tehran as yet further evidence of what would doubtless please them very much: deepening divisions within the Western alliance.



One of the most troubling aspects of the recent gang-rape and murder of a 60-year-old Christian teacher in Syria was reported on Arabic media as follows (in translation):

Her rapists and murderers are from the [jihadi] organization, al-Nusra.  Some of them are foreigners but others are from the area.  In other words, those who raped and stoned her are themselves from among her former students and neighbors, whom she taught Arabic in school over the course of 30 years . . .   Surely she never dreamt to see such depraved savagery in the eyes of her former students . . . Nonetheless, they preyed on her like wild beasts – even though wild beasts do not rape their mothers (emphasis added).

Such is the third category of Muslims that lurks between “moderates” and “radicals”:   “Sleepers” – Muslims who appear “moderate” but who turn “radical” once circumstances become favorable.   For instance, after the Islamic State (“ISIS”) entered the Syrian city of Hassakè, prompting a mass exodus of Christians, many otherwise “normal” Muslims joined ranks with ISIS, instantly turning on their longtime Christian neighbors.   (“When and why Muslim friends betray,” Raymond Ibrahim, Middle East Forum, 8/4)



Yemeni Sheikh Abd Al-Wahhab Al-Mirabi said in a June 28, 2019 Friday sermon in Taiz, Yemen that Allah cursed the Jews and described them as treacherous and deceitful. Sheikh Al-Mirabi said that the Jews are the “party of Satan,” and he warned that anybody who believes that peace can be achieved in the Middle East with the Jews is deluded.   He then listed some of the conspiracies he claimed the Jews have participated in against the Muslims, including poisoning and killing the Prophet Muhammad, financing the Crusades, killing Islamic rulers, taking part in the inquisition courts during the Spanish Inquisition, toppling the Ottoman Empire, dividing the Arab world, and deposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.   Referring to the Jews as a “plague,” Sheikh Al-Mirabi said: “Let [the Jews in Palestine] taste nothing but [our] rifles.” The sermon aired on Yemen Shabab TV.   (MEMRI 8/7)


Following India’s annexation of the disputed territory of Kashmir, Pakistan has recalled its envoy. Pressure from Hindu nationalists led to the annexation.  The two nuclear powers have gone to war twice over the territory which has been in dispute since independence in 1947.


Bible shortage?  Publishers say tariffs could cause it                               by Travis Loller, Nashville, Tenn. (AP), 8 July 2019 

Religious publishers say President Donald Trump’s most recent proposed tariffs on Chinese imports could result in a Bible shortage. That’s because millions of Bibles — some estimates put it at 150 million or more — are printed in China each year.

Critics of a proposed tariff say it would make the Bible more expensive for consumers and hurt the evangelism efforts of Christian organizations that give away Bibles as part of their ministry.   (Travis Loller, 7/8)