Tag Archives: Kishida Fumio


Taken from CDC website.

Only 6 percent of Americans whose deaths were attributed to the China Virus actually were caused by the virus with no contributing conditions, according to a new report from the Centers for Disease Control (CDC).

This means that 94 percent of deaths attributed to the “pandemic” may have died due to some other cause.

Excerpted from wgntv.com:

The CDC says provisional death counts may not match counts from other sources, such as numbers from county health departments, because death certificates take time to be completed, states report at different rates, it takes officials extra time to code COVID-19 deaths, and because other reporting systems use different definitions or methods for counting deaths.  (Daily Kenn, 9/1/2020)

Directly from the CDC website Aug 26, 2020, under the heading “Comorbidities” —  “Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned.“


Face Book wouldn’t allow me to post this as it was shot down by their “fact checkers.”  So, to be fair, here is what they said Dr. Fauci had to say about it:  “He noted that the 6% figure includes cases where COVID-19 was listed as the only cause of death. “That does not mean that someone who has hypertension or diabetes who dies of Covid didn’t die of Covid-19.   They did,” Fauci said on ABC’s “Good Morning America.  “So the numbers you’ve been hearing — the 180,000-plus deaths — are real deaths from Covid-19.   Let [there] not be any confusion about that,” Fauci said.

But there IS confusion.  Did all those people die OF covid or did they die WITH covid (did they just test positive?)?   Add to that the many false positive tests results and that so many who test positive have no sickness or symptoms.  I’m a senior citizen and there are many things I could catch that could trigger one of my comorbidities – does that mean I died of that or the covid?  If I fell down a flight of stairs (the injuries of which I could possibly survive) and it triggered a heart attack (which I didn’t survive), what did I die of – a fall down the stairs or a heart attack?  Flu (or covid, or other viruses) can trigger a bad heart or a number of conditions that could kill me.  If I test positive at the time of death for covid, is that a covid death?  I am not playing down all the deaths, here, just wondering how to categorize them.  Statistics – I suppose they are right when they say you can prove anything from them.  It is, if nothing else, NOT clear here.


Nancy Pelosi is branded a hypocrite for breaking COVID rules to get a blowout (wash and blow dry) at a closed San Francisco salon – and is filmed walking around without a mask on after pushing for a nationwide face-covering mandate.  (Daily Mail headline, 9/2/2020)



“A bucket of worries – spurred by anxieties related to job security, financial instability, grief from death, or loneliness – are plaguing an increasing number of Americans living amid the COVID-19 pandemic and its shutdown measures.

“Among 5,412 Americans surveyed at the end of June, 41 percent reported at least one adverse mental or behavioral health condition, according to an August 14th Morbidity and Mortality report by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).   The number is higher among younger adults between the ages of 18 and 24, with 75% of respondents reporting experiencing at least one condition.

“Just over 10% of adults reported seriously considering suicide in the previous 30 days before June, the CDC said, approximately twice the number reported in 2018.”

(“Shutdowns spur Mental Health Crisis in US, Experts Say,” Bowen Ziao, Epoch Tmes,  8/26/2020)



The EU should “exert pressure for new elections” in Belarus, demanded a veteran leading politician of the German Green Party. The EU is not offensive enough in the Belarusian power struggles, according to Ralf Fücks, the former president of the Green Party-affiliated Heinrich Böll Foundation, and since 2017, managing director of the transatlantic think tank “Zentrum Liberale Moderne” (Center for Liberal Modernity). German foreign policy-makers are recommending systematic support for Belarusian “civil society.” Thus, millions of euros could help to promote pro-western circles in a country that maintains close ties to Russia.   Berlin has already been engaged in this for decades.  Germany and other western powers have been promoting subversive attempts in Belarus since President Alexander Lukashenko led the country into a union with Russia in 1999 and intensified cooperation with Moscow.   Fearing over dependency on its neighboring country, Lukashenko had recently begun to cooperate more closely with the West – including participation in joint military exercises with NATO countries.(German Foreign Policy, 8/26/2020)



Why don’t more homeless people go to shelters?                                        26 August 2020, GroundUp, by James Stent

Most are full, say homeless people in response to City of Cape Town.

There’s an increase in the numbers of homeless people refusing to go into shelters, says the City of Cape Town.   GroundUp talked to some people living on the streets to find out why.   On 6 August Zahid Badroodien, Cape Town’s Mayco Member for Community Services and Health, said in an interview with Lester Kiewit on KFM, that more and more homeless people are refusing social assistance and refusing to enter shelters.  He also said the City was conducting a review of its “Street People Policy,” to be completed by 10 October 2020.   A wide range of people and organizations are to be consulted in the process, to be led by Melene Rossouw, executive director of the Women Lead movement and Lorenzo Davids, CEO of Community Chest.

. . .  Sauls and Kammies say they would live in a shelter if they had a room of their own.   “A bed, a key, and a kassie” in a building that they didn’t share with current substance abusers, says Sauls.  The couple were set to be married at the civil court in the week that lockdown regulations were announced in March.   One day, they would like a marital home.  (https://www.groundup.org.za/article/why-dont-more-homeless-people-go-to-shelters/)



Japan’s prime minister announced his resignation today, citing ill-health.   Abe Shinzo will continue to carry out his duties until the ruling Liberal Democratic Party holds a new leadership vote.   His abrupt departure has thrust the country into a period of immense uncertainty.   Ulcerative colitis, a chronic intestinal disease, helped end Mr. Abe’s first stint as prime minister in 2007; he said that another flare-up of the disease spurred his second early resignation. The LDP will likely choose a successor in the coming weeks.   The leading candidates are said to be Ishiba Shigeru, a former defence and agriculture minister; Kishida Fumio, the LDP policy chief; Aso Taro, the deputy prime minister; Suga Yoshihide, Mr. Abe’s Chief Cabinet Secretary; and Kono Taro, the defence minister.   Whoever wins inherits a full plate: managing the pandemic, but also leading Japan as it grapples with a shrinking population and a rising China.  (The Economist , 8/28/2020)



DAILYKENN.com — With full participation, Muslims could tip the popular presidential vote in Florida, Virginia, Ohio, Michigan and Connecticut.

That is the opinion of Robert McCaw, director of government affairs for The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR).

If the assessment is accurate, we could conclude that the hate group that took down the Twin Towers on September 11, 2001, could take down the entire nation and hand it to the far-left Democrats.

Islam is the world’s largest, oldest, and deadliest hate group with over 1.8-billion adherents.  (Daily Kenn, 8/30/2020)



In an interview posted to social media, Black Lives Matter (BLM) Co-Founder Patrisse Cullors, along with BLM Los Angeles Co-Founder Melina Abdullah, discussed the “spiritual” component of the movement, explaining the practices and “rituals” performed to remember and “invoke” the spirits of deceased African Americans.

“We speak their names … [and] you kind of invoke that spirit, and then their spirits actually become present with you,” Abdullah, a professor at California State University, stated during the discussion hosted by Fowler Museum at UCLA.

Cullors outlined that she was raised Jehovah’s Witness, and “ancestral worship became really important” as she got older.   She said that she felt a responsibility to honor the deceased politically and spiritually.

“In my tradition, you offer things that your loved one who passed away would want, whether it’s honey or tobacco or things like that,” she said, referring to the creation of an “ancestor altar,” which is sometimes practiced in African cultures.   “It’s so important, not just for us to be in direct relationship to our people who’ve passed but also for them to know we’ve remembered them. I believe some of them work through us.”  (Christian News, 8/30/2020)



US aggression against China, increasing almost on a daily basis, has accompanied Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s visit to Europe, which ends today.  Wang is holding talks today in Berlin.  He is seeking to prevent a transatlantic concerted front against Beijing and has warned during his trip against “a new Cold War.”   The Trump administration has significantly expanded its sanctions against Huawei and threatened Chinese Internet companies with a ban on their business activities in the USA.  It has recently also imposed sanctions on subsidiaries of the state owned CCCC construction company, nicknamed the “Huawei of infrastructure” by US politicians.   CCCC is playing an important role in construction projects within the framework of the New Silk Road.   The USA is also increasing its military provocations.   Berlin has just reaffirmed its rejection of the “decoupling” from Beijing, demanded by Washington.   Wang’s visit in Europe has also been accompanied by systematic orchestrated protests intended to hamper cooperation, with German Greens playing a key role.   This can only favor US aggression.  (German Foreign Policy, 9/1/2020)


‘Biggest Crowd In German History’ Rises Up Against Bill Gates and Big Pharma in Berlin

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. spoke to what organizers called “the biggest crowd in German history” on Saturday, as more than a million Germans joined forces to protest what Kennedy Jr. referred to as Bill Gates’ “bio-security agenda, the rise of the authoritarian surveillance state and the Big Pharma sponsored coup d’etat against liberal democracy.”

“The pandemic is a crisis of convenience for the elite who are dictating these policies,” said Kennedy Jr., who praised the huge Berlin crowd for being on the frontline of the fight against global totalitarianism.

“Fifty years ago, my uncle John F. Kennedy came to this city.   He came to this land, because Berlin was the frontline against global totalitarianism.   And today again, Berlin is frontline against global totalitarianism,” said Kennedy Jr. to a roar of approval from the crowd.

During his opening remarks, Kennedy Jr. said that the corrupt American mainstream media are telling people he came to Berlin “to speak to about five thousand Nazis.“

“But I look at this crowd and I see the opposite of Nazism. I see people of democracy.   People who want open government.  People who want leaders who are not going to lie to them.   People who want leaders who will not make up arbitrary rules and regulations to orchestrate obedience of the population.

“We want health officials who don’t have financial entanglements with the pharmaceutical industry, who are working for us, not Big Pharma.”

“I look at this crowd. I see all the flags of Europe.   I see people of every color.   I see people of every nation.   Every religion.   All caring about human dignity, about children’s health.   About political freedom.   This is the opposite of Nazism.”  (Baxter Dmitry, 8/30/2020)



“And his descendants will become a multitude of nations.”  Genesis 48:19

“(King) Thibaw had ascended the throne two years earlier, at the tender age of 19.  His reign had begun with a time-honored Burmese tradition:   the extermination of all potential rivals to the throne.  Over 80 royals, including eight of his brothers, were tied up in large velvet bags and clubbed to death in the palace grounds while a court orchestra played to drown their screams.   The corpses were trampled into enormous trenches  by elephants.

“Scott had arrived in time to witness an ancient royal dynasty in its death throes.  Thibaw was descended from the bellicose and bloodthirsty King Alaungpaya, who in the eighteenth century initiated a series of campaigns in Thailand so brutal that many Thais still despise the Burmese for them today.   But the warrior blood of Alaungpaya ran thin in young Thibaw’s veins – where it was also diluted with gin, of which it was said the young king had grown overly fond.   Effete, decadent and fatally introspective, Thibaw would rule only long enough to set his fragile kingdom on a collision course with the mighty British Empire.”      (The Trouser People, Andrew Marshall, 2002, pages 41-42).



  • Copy Sweden, says WHO special envoy:   A top World Health Organization (WHO) official has praised Sweden’s coronavirus response and suggested that more countries should follow the Nordic nation’s lead.   Dr. David Nabarro, one of the UN health agency’s six special envoy on Covid-19, acknowledged “serious problems” in Swedish care homes, which led to a high mortality rate early in the pandemic, but said the country had showed how “you can go about life while having the virus in your midst.”   (The Week, 9/1/2020)
  • GERMANY:   A century on, former colonies are now demanding reparations, placing mounting pressure on the federal government.   More than a century since Germany’s colonial empire committed numerous atrocities on the African continent, the federal government is being forced to contend with its past head on.   (Deutsche Welle, 30 August 2020)
  • UK:   Tory MPs are warning Rishi Sunak that a proposed £30bn tax grab to recoup the costs of the coronavirus crisis will stifle the country’s economic recovery.   The chancellor is reportedly considering what the Daily Mail describes as a “huge fiscal raid” in the Budget in November, after emergency spending to tackle the pandemic sent Britain’s public debt crashing past the £2trn mark for the first time.  But the plans have “provoked anger among Tory backbenchers, many of whom are in mutinous mood following multiple recent policy U-turns”, reports the inews site.  (The Week, 9/1/2020)
  • SA Reserve Bank must be nationalised without compensation to end white capital domination, argues [Malema-led EFF’s] Floyd Shivambu.  (https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2020-08-26-sa-reserve-bank-must-be-nationalised-without-compensation-to-end-white-capital-domination-argues-floyd-)
  • A 16-year-old boy was shot dead in Johannesburg, South Africa.   This was because he did not obey the police.   The boy turned out to be autistic.   Autistic kids are unlikely to respond like normal people.   So how can they be protected when they come up against trigger-happy policemen?   Should they carry a sign around their neck?
  • The Democrats are out-spending the Republicans ten to one.   They remain the wealthier party, representing highly paid intellectuals and celebrities.
  • Britain is being invaded by thousands of migrants, arriving by sea.   Eighty years ago they were able to stop the German Navy from invading.  Why do they have so much difficulty stopping a few rubber dinghies?