Tag Archives: Immigration without integration is invasion.


 “Immigration without integration is invasion.”
“Immigration without integration is invasion.”  Bobby Jindal

“There’s a plot in this country to enslave every man, woman and child.   Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

So said President John F. Kennedy seven days before he was assassinated.

What was the late president referring to?

Could it be a reference to the deliberate and ongoing plot to kill off the West through massive immigration from Third World countries, now called emerging nations?   JFK would have known about it – his brother Senator Edward Kennedy was the one who led the charge to reform the immigration law in 1965 allowing a massive influx of people from the newly emerging nations.

I do not exaggerate.   This is exactly what is happening.

The migrant invasion of Europe is a regular feature of our news.   The reaction of European leaders is constant compromise – let them in, give them citizenship, totally transform cultures that go back centuries.

There’s not even an economic argument for this liberal approach. European countries already have high rates of unemployment. New arrivals are not going to help.

I know that some are genuine refugees.  This includes those fleeing from war-torn Syria.   Compassion requires that help be given them, but that does not have to extend to citizenship.  After a set period (say, five years), they could be returned to their home country after the war is over.  They could also move to other Arab countries.

The BBC broadcast a report last week that showed a Swedish town where over 50% of the inhabitants are from Syria.   This town is no longer Sweden, but, rather, Syria.   And this is what is going to happen across the country.   This seismic shift in the country’s demographics has already changed the political fabric of the country – the right-wing anti-immigrant party, the Sweden Democrats, is now the biggest party in the country.   It doesn’t require a great deal of imagination to realize that the massive influx of migrants taking place right now could result in extremist parties taking power as native Swedes and others react to this invasion.   People are tired of do-nothing politicians.

Of course, many people in the West do not see things this way.  They want the migrants en masse.   Their misguided liberal thinking convinces them that all people are basically the same, no matter where they come from, and that all will be assimilated.

Two of these liberals are right here in the Lansing area.   The mayors of Lansing and East Lansing, home of Michigan State University, accepted an invitation to an end of Ramadan dinner organized by the East Lansing Islamic Society, our local mosque.  The date? September 11th!   After much criticism, the celebration has been postponed by seven days to September 18th.

Apart from the incredible insensitivity displayed by the two mayors when initially accepting the invitation, it disturbs me that local politicians are jumping on the bandwagon to welcome new arrivals who are committed to fundamentally changing our society and culture.

It’s not surprising that Donald Trump has struck a chord on the issue of immigration.   People do not like what is happening in the United States, just as most don’t in Western Europe.

The survival of the West is at stake here.  Do any of our leaders care?

Is there a conspiracy to bring us all down and replace us with something more akin to the failed states of the Third World?

Presidential candidate Bobby Jindal, whose parents came from India, put it well when he said:  “Immigration without integration is invasion.”

In the scriptures, when ancient Israel was warned of the consequences of sin, the Israelites were told that aliens they had allowed in to their country would rise to the top and take over.

The sojourner who is among you shall rise higher and higher above you, and you shall come down lower and lower.   44 He shall lend to you, and you shall not lend to him.  He shall be the head, and you shall be the tail.”  (Deut. 28:43-44)

If you think this exaggerated, realize that’s exactly what our ancestors did when they came to America!