Tag Archives: Laura Ingraham


“The greatest tyrannies are always perpetuated in the name of the noblest of causes.” — THOMAS PAINE

America has become a de facto one-party state.   Consider the following:

>>The media no longer represents the people.   There are many issues that cannot be discussed (race, abortion, LGBTQ issues).   Gradually, freedom of the press has died.  Almost all papers support the Left.  Every TV station does, except for Newsmax and OAN (One America News).   Most people are unaware of their existence. Fox News retains some conservative anchors (Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham and Sean Hannity).

“The aggressive censorship conservatives face was foreseeable.  Communities and cultures are built on common values. The culture of the left is no longer compatible with our Constitutional Republic and conservative culture.  It was inevitable this day would come.”  (Codias, 1/9/2021)

“The only security of all is in a free press.”  Thomas Jefferson

>>The Democrat- controlled House has arranged for 25,000 National Guardsmen to protect the Capitol in the days leading up to Joe Biden’s inauguration.  This is the most troops Washington DC has seen since the Civil War, over 150 years ago.  It’s more than five times the number in Iraq and Afghanistan combined.  Our democracy seems to have turned from freedom to oppression!  Additionally, troops are being screened to ensure they have no sympathies for outgoing President Donald Trump, which risks politicising and dividing the military.

>>Nancy Pelosi addressed the troops yesterday, as if she were Commander-in-Chief.

>>The President has been impeached for a second time.   If the trial goes against him, he will not be allowed to run for office again.  The Democrats will have effectively ended Trump’s political career.   Whatever you may think of Donald Trump, silencing the opposition is a tactic of a one-party state.

“Section 3 of the 14th Amendment says no-one can hold office if they’ve engaged in “insurrection or rebellion” against the United States.

And if you’ve been paying close attention, you’ll notice that’s the same phrase used in the impeachment charge that was passed this week.”

“House Democrats want veto power over whom Republicans can nominate. And this is the crowd that does not cease to bray about its devotion to “democracy.””  (Pat Buchanan, 1/14/2021)

>>The Washington Post is, like almost all newspapers, pro-Democrat.   Only 19 minutes after Trump’s inauguration four years ago, the paper carried the banner headline:

“Campaign to impeach President Trump has begun.”  That’s been the plan for four years.

>>There are calls for the children of conservatives to be sent to re-education camps.

“Prominent leftists are talking of reprogramming Trump supporters. Reprogramming seems to include vilifying Trump staff members to destroy their careers. In some cases, Trump backers could loose banking privileges and other discriminatory actions including depriving them of access to air travel. A now infamous Project Veritas video captured one suggesting the children of Republicans be taken away from their parents and sent to reeducation camps. These, by the way, are the same leftists who accused immigration officials of separating families.” (Laura Ingraham).

>>Twitter, Facebook and other social media outlets have banned Trump.  (Today’s news says they have lost $51 billion off their share value as people have stopped using them, in support of the president.)   Apple and Microsoft have dropped the Parler app which still carries Trump’s messages.

>>Lockdowns throughout the country have shut down businesses, destroying the economy.  According to AFP tonight, almost twenty million jobs have been lost since March. One million jobs were lost in the first week of the new year.

>>A policy of the new Biden Administration will encourage illegal aliens and new immigrants to seek citizenship, thereby securing more Democrat votes.  It’s estimated that 70% of immigrants vote for the Democrats.

>>Accusations that “white supremacists” were present at the Capitol were untrue, but the accusation has stuck.  Race was not a factor in what happened on January 6th.

>>In Michigan, former Republican Governor Rick Snyder is to be tried for “neglect” causing the deaths of nine people during the Flint water crisis.

>>The Michigan legislature has banned guns (open carry) from the legislature.

>>(President Trump) stands accused of incitement, obstruction of justice, “high crimes and misdemeanors,” sedition, and treason.

>> On January 6, Trump even exhorted his supporters to “walk down to the Capitol” and begin “marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard.”  (“Democracy more at risk with no brake on Biden,” Salvatore Babonas, The Australian, 1/14/2021)

>>In the Detroit News January 7th appeared the following: “the difference between the way the police handled Wed’s events with BLM in the summer; a heavier police presence for BLM.”    Why was the police presence so small at the Capitol following on from 9/11?

>> “In this day and age of threatened terrorist attacks against vital US institutions, you can be sure that security around Capitol Hill would have long ago been prepared to repel an attack by a highly trained, armed enemy force. And “they” are trying to tell us that a bunch of unarmed hooligans could break into Congress. Do “they” think we are totally stupid?!  It had to be an inside job designed to make DJT look bad.”   (ARM 1/10/2021)

>>The Democrats are losing support amongst blue-collar workers, African-Americans and Hispanics.   This may explain their attempt at establishing a one-party state.

>>Two thirds of Republicans, in a weekend poll, still believe the election was rigged. There has been no serious attempt to look into this.

>>“It is only a slight overstatement to say that, while the mob’s coup against Congress ignominiously failed, big tech’s coup against Trump triumphantly succeeded.”  (Niall Ferguson) “Trump is not merely being denied access to the channels he has used throughout his presidency to communicate with voters.  He is being excluded from a domain the courts have for some time recognized as a public forum.”

>>US screens troops for riot sympathizers:   The US army and secret service are carrying out background checks on National Guard troops in a bid to weed out extremist sympathizers ahead of Joe Biden’s inauguration.

Thousands of part-time soldiers are being sent to Washington D.C. to stand guard as the new president is sworn in next Wednesday.   (The Week, 1/14/2021)

>>DW news tonight said: “extremist right-wing groups, supporters of Donald Trump, have called for a civil war in the US.”  Such statements will only increase support for the Democrats and take it away from conservatives.   There are calls for Texas to secede.



  • FYI Nancy Pelosi wore the same dress on Wednesday as she wore at Trump’s first impeachment.  This was not due to a lack of money to buy a new dress.
  • Former UKIP and Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage decried lockdown restrictions that could see elderly people fined by police for resting on park benches, along with legislation in Parliament that could allow authorities to recruit teenagers as stool-pigeons against their own parents.  (1/13/2021 James Tweedie, Sputniknews)
  • Sadiq Khan, the Mayor of London, a Muslim, has asked the government to close down places of worship in the UK capital.
  • Brexit exempts Brits from speeding fines — British drivers will escape most speeding fines in EU nations because the UK’s departure has ended deals governing several motoring offences in the bloc. French officials say that following Brexit, the EU’s cross-border enforcement directive no longer applies, ending arrangements for sharing information about drivers caught on speed cameras. The Times says the news puts British drivers in the “fast lane.”  (The Week, 1/13/2021)
Image may contain: 2 people, people smiling, text that says 'ThoughtCrime Resistance 2010: "I never said 'drill baby drill,' because we can't drill our way to lower gas prices." 2012: "Even if we drilled every square inch of this country right now, we're going to be relying on other countries for oil." Average 2012 U.S. gasoline cost: Nearly $4.00 per gallon. 2017: "We will start a new energy revolution, one that celebrates American production on American soil" 2018, December: The USA now exports more oil than it imports for the first time in 70 years. Average 2018 U.S. gasoline cost: About $2.50 per gallon.'

Stay focused.  We could be in for a rough ride.  Remember Matthew 6:33:  “But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness.”

(Credit for top cartoon picture goes to Pat Buchanan)
