Alissa shooter Muslim
Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, Boulder Police Department photo

As we witness U.S. authorities and the establishment media trying to de-Islamize the Jihad in Boulder and to obscure the fact that the Jihadist perpetrator, Ahmad Al Issa, is a Muslim migrant ISIS sympathizer, a vital question confronts us: why does the Left consistently engage in Jihad Denial? Why is it so invested in denying the Islamic roots of Islamic Jihad?  This is, without doubt, one of the most pertinent questions of our time, especially now with the Boulder Jihad — and its tragic victims — hovering right before our very eyes. (Jihad Watch 3/25/2021)

Although Christians face oppression throughout the Islamic world, Muslim converts to the faith face an even harsher climate because Islamic doctrine condemns apostasy and conversion away from the Islamic faith is deeply taboo. Islam “was created 600 years after Christ as a rebellion against biblical values,” said Darwish, and therefore “to choose the Bible over Islam . . . Jesus over Muhammad, is the ultimate insult to Islam.” Muslims living in the Middle East who convert to Christianity often claim to have seen Jesus in a dream – maintaining, in effect, that Jesus chose them, not the other way around.   Islamic law sanctions the killing of apostates. Although civil laws in some countries may nominally protect converts, in most countries “the percentage of Muslims who believe in killing apostates is huge” and authorities often turn a blind eye to it, so the threat of “vigilante justice against apostates” is ever-present. (Marilyn Stern, MEF, 3/26/2021)

Demonstrations outside a school where a teacher showed a caricature of the Prophet Mohammed to pupils are “disturbing,” a cabinet minister has said.

Housing Secretary Robert Jenrick said the protests outside Batley Grammar School were “not right” and that “we shouldn’t have teachers feeling intimidated” as more people gathered there again on Friday. (Sky News, 3/26/2021)

“As a society, for too many years we have not made the necessary demands of newcomers. We have had far too low expectations for the refugees and immigrants who came to Denmark. We have not made sufficiently tangible demands on jobs and self-sufficiency. Therefore, too many immigrants have ended up in prolonged inactivity.” — Danish government report, “Showdown with Parallel Societies.”  (Gatestone, 3/23/2021)



Berlin and the EU could permanently lose out on political influence and substantial business deals in Iran, due to new agreements between Iran and China, on the one hand, and to the ongoing US blockade of Tehran on the other. The People’s Republic of China has not only been able to somewhat maintain its Iranian oil imports despite US sanctions, and, since the beginning of the year, also register a significant increase. Over the weekend, Beijing even concluded a comprehensive cooperation agreement with Tehran, which provides for huge investments and could, in the long run, procure a long-term dominant economic influence for China in Iran. Germany’s attempt to sidestep US sanctions in favor of German business with Iran has failed, with no perspective for relaunching its traditionally lucrative economic activities in that country. Experts complain that the Biden administration is even blocking necessary humanitarian imports of food and Covid-19 vaccines.  (German Foreign Policy, 3/30/2021)



The EU’s serious failings in procurement of Covid-19 vaccines are dragging the Union into internal and external conflicts prior to today’s summit. Tensions are growing between EU states, because poorer countries are being discriminated against in the distribution of the scarce supply of vaccines and are thus lagging behind in their vaccination programs. The fact that a growing number of EU member states, in addition to the protracted procurement at Union level, have begun to purchase Russian vaccines on a national level has caused further conflicts. Several allied countries are very upset because the EU has widened vaccine export controls and openly threatens to impose export bans. It was reported yesterday that the EU Commission had ordered the police to inspect an AstraZeneca vaccine filling plant in Italy, accusing the company of smuggling vaccines to the UK in a breach of contract. The accusation proved to be unfounded. According to insiders, the EU’s maneuvers are already wasting precious time in global vaccine production.  (German Foreign Policy, 3/25/2021)



As a youth coach at Crewe Alexandra and Manchester City, Barry Bennell fed “dreams of being the next big star” to the boys in his care, said Kyle O’Sullivan in the Daily Mirror. A charming man with a “mesmerising” personality, he easily won the trust of parents, who’d think nothing of letting their sons stay overnight at his house. But Bennell’s charisma was a front: he was a predatory paedophile who “destroyed a succession of young lives” in a career lasting from the 1970s to the mid-1990s. And we now know he was one of many such men in English football. The horrifying scale of abuse over this period has been laid bare by a new BBC documentary, Football’s Darkest Secret, which follows the publication last week of an FA-commissioned report into historic abuse in the game. 

Football child sexual abuse report:  ‘a dark day for the beautiful game’

The “landmark inquiry” shows what a “free run predatory abusers had,” said David Conn in The Guardian. It documents hundreds of cases of abuse, and a notable failure to act. Talent scout Frank Roper was at Blackpool FC for two decades, despite having multiple convictions for sexual assault on a minor to his name.  Most victims never complained at the time, being “bullied, scared or shamed into silence.”  But the game’s authorities were culpably slow to respond when the scale of the problem began to emerge. Bennell received his first conviction in 1995 – yet it took the FA another five years to establish anything like a proper safeguarding culture. 

Daniel Gordon’s documentary was horrific to watch, said Carol Midgley in The Times. Seeing men in their 40s and 50s break down before the camera high-lighted the damage inflicted by Bennell and his ilk. The boys they abused suffered irreversible injuries that never healed no matter what they went on to achieve. Paul Stewart, one of Roper’s victims, said he’d gained no pleasure from a successful career with Man City, Tottenham and Liverpool. “Alone,” he said, “I was just dying inside.”  The courage he and others have displayed in coming forward beats “anything you’d see on a football pitch.”   (The Week, 3/26/2021)



The federal government’s debt will rise to twice the size of the economy by 2051, the Congressional Budget Office said on Thursday.  The CBO said that by the end of 2021, federal debt held by the public is projected to equal 102 percent of GDP. That is before taking into account the $1.9 trillion covid spending bill currently being considered by the Senate.

“Debt would reach 107 percent of GDP (surpassing its historical high) in 2031 and would almost double to 202 percent of GDP by 2051,” the CBO said.



Parents of male students at a school in Victoria’s southwest are furious after their sons were forced to stand up at an assembly and apologise to their female classmates.

Brauer College, in Warrnambool, held an assembly on Wednesday where boys were told to stand in solidarity for female students who had experienced sexual harassment.

Outraged parents say their sons were told to apologise to the girls for offensive behaviour on behalf of their gender.

The move comes after a viral petition exposed thousands of stories of sexual assault from students and former students around Australia, throwing the education sector into crisis.

A Snapchat post, believed to be by a male student at the school, took aim at the assembly saying:  “Today at Brauer they made every guy stand up and apologise to every girl for rape, sexual assault and so on. ” (au.com 3/26/2021)



A leading Chinese professor—who is also an adviser to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)—laid out a comprehensive plan for the communist regime to overthrow the United States as the world’s superpower.

The professor’s multi-pronged strategy involves a range of malign actions to subvert the United States while strengthening the Chinese regime. They include:  interfering in U.S. elections, controlling the American market, cultivating global enemies to challenge the United States, stealing American technology, expanding Chinese territory, and influencing international organizations.

The plan was explained in detail by Jin Canrong, a professor and associate dean of the School of International Studies at Beijing’s Renmin University of China, in a July 2016 speech on “Sino-U.S. Strategic Philosophy” given over two full days at Southern Club Hotel Business Class in south China’s Guangzhou City.  “We want to be the world leader,” Jin said, explaining Chinese Leader Xi Jinping’s desire for a “national rejuvenation” of the country.  (Nicole Hao, Epoch Times, 3/26/2021)

Cole Bridges, a 20-year-old American who joined the U.S. Army in late 2019—and who was earlier described as “a polite, responsible and trustworthy teen”—was recently arrested and faces two federal charges: “attempting to provide material support to the Islamic State group and the attempted murder of U.S. military service members.”

Earlier, in October, 2020, Bridges, a convert to Islam, came into contact with an FBI online covert employee (OCE) posing as a Muslim supporter of and in contact with the Islamic State. In their communiques, Bridges made clear that his allegiance was to Islam and jihad, not America and its soldiers.  According to the criminal complaint against him: “Bridges then provided training and guidance to purported ISIS fighters who were planning attacks, including advice about potential targets in New York City, such as the 9/11 Memorial. Bridges also provided the OCE with portions of a U.S. Army training manual and guidance about military combat tactics, for use by ISIS.” …  (Raymond Ibrahim, MEF, 1/29/2021)



BRITAIN could form a special alliance with Canada, Australia and New Zealand, all predominantly English-speaking nations with historic links to the UK, under a radical proposal.   by James Bickerton, 2/10/2021

The plan, known by the acronym CANZUK, would see the four countries agree to free trade, reciprocal migration and foreign policy cooperation. This would allow citizens of the four CANZUK nations to move freely between each other, provided they don’t have a serious criminal record.  CANZUK International, which advocates for the scheme, was founded by Toronto based James Skinner in 2015.

Explaining the policy to Express.co.uk he said:  “The vision for it is really founded on the principle of these four countries working together as sovereign independent nations for the betterment of their economies and opportunities for their citizens.

The way we promote that is through three objectives. The first would be reciprocal migration whereby citizens of these countries could freely live and work in the other countries, minus a few stipulations and requirements.

“Then free trade between these countries would maximize trading potential opening up trade to [markets worth] about $3.5trillion (£2.5trillion).

“The third aspect would be foreign policy cooperation so acting as sovereign nations we could improve on the relations we already have.”

A poll of 13,600 people in 2018 for CANZUK International found overwhelming support for free movement in all four nations.

The policy was backed by 82 percent of New Zealanders, 76 percent of Canadians, 73 percent of Australians and 68 percent of Britons.

UK ‘model for race relations’
Britain is a model for race relations and claims of institutional bias are “not borne out by the evidence,” according to a government report commissioned in response to protests last year. It found that pupils from Indian, Bangladeshi and black African backgrounds outperform white British children in their GCSEs, and that “elite professions” are increasingly diverse. But it acknowledged that some ethnic minority communities are “haunted” by historic racism and that explicit discrimination remains a problem. A spokesperson for Black Lives Matter UK said the report “fails to explore” serious issues and the Runnymede Trust said it appeared to “downplay” the impact of racism.  (The Week, 3/31/2021)


  1. The Woke religion is behind the concealing of the Boulder murderer’s affiliations and promoting the BLMUK’s ‘serious issues’ complaint and the RT’s accusations because Woke needs a free rein for creating more dissent and disruption and allowing that disharmony to continue; positive attitudes frustrate Woke tactics to turn the west against itself.

  2. When it comes to US debt information, I would strongly suggest folks NOT pay attention to the CBO figures. I plain language, they lie way more than tell the truth. The actual debt to GDP as of this moment is right at 130%. The debt currently is over $28 Trillion. If current spending increases stay static…and this is NOT taking into account the massive extra spending being bantered about….in under 4 yrs that figure will be $50 trillion. The M2 money supply will most likely pass the GDP, a historical first.
    We are in the early stages of high inflation, possibly hyper-inflation. Anyone who has priced vehicles, gas, lumber, etc has noticed the huge price spikes. The EARLY stages of a hyper-inflationary cycle are VERY pleasant for most. In the book When Money Dies, the author chronicles the early stages in detail. The next stages however aren’t so nice. Take Germany in the early 1920s. In Nov 1920, the lowest denomination note was 10 Marks, 2 yrs later in 1922 it was 5,000 Marks. Nov 1, 1923 it was 1,000,000,000,000….One Trillion. Notice CAREFULLY that last date…Nov 1, 1923. Any of you serious history buffs will remember what took place exactly one week later on Nov 8, 1923. A little known man with a funny looking mustache carried out the Beer Hall Putsch.


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